About Us
Engaging youth in high-quality STEM education and mentoring to empower and inspire careers in STEM.

Empower. Inspire. Investigate.

(Computational Outreach for Wyoming GIRLS in STEM), is an outreach and mentorship program aiming to:

Empower and encourage young women in Wyoming to enter the science, technology, engineering, and math fields, particularly computer science

Inspire young women to pursue and build successful careers in computing and technology by improving their educational experience and engagement with other women in STEM, and

Investiagte the power of relational connections on young girls’ perspective of college and influence of near-peer interactions on undergraduate women’s attainment of careers in STEM.

What we are best at

Our Tools

Take a look at some of the programs we have created in the past
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Sneak a peak at some of the materials we use throughout camps
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Who we work with

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